Tuesday 18th April, 17:30 to 19:00
Tuesday 25th April, 17:30 to 19:00


Dante Alighieri Cape Town
137 Hatfield Street
Gardens, Cape Town

BOOKINGSRSVP requred (limited seats)

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Two interactive free lectures and a workshop to show

  • a different perspective on language, beyond grammar and literature
  • reflect on the importance of language in the era of technology
  • re-evaluate the classics through an unusual take on Creative Writing

Come to LaDante CT for a fun experience on literature, books, words and writing.

Both lectures and the workshop are in ENGLISH.


Who is Simona Gallo Mosala?

Writing, reading and… writing is my life long passion. But at the time studying came first. Master in Politics, Law and Economics in Italy, Master in African Studies in London, PhD on Migration and Labour Market at UCT. Research Projects and Lecturing  at UCT and the ILO followed and some continue to date. In the meantime l never  stopped writing, be it a short story, a magazine article, a translation, editing or the script for my radio news broadcast on Africa. Having two languages at my disposal broadened my perspective. Some of my works are published although they mostly target  niche  readerships.

In 2016 aunt Paola gave me the best present ever. A Master at the highly prestigious Holden School of Creative Writing, established by Alessandro Baricco, the outstanding author of  Oceano Mare and a plethora of engaging books.

Holden School was a very special  journey into language and into unlocking  my power of expression. Through my interactive lectures I would like to share some of this experience with you.

RSVP required (limited seats)

Please book your seat here

Dante must not die… and Shakespeare must stay alive